Out Of Practice Podcast | Season 3 Episode 6 - "One of Those Days"

Eugene Bleeds for the case on The Practice S3 E6 "One of Those Days"

FROM: The Practice | Season 3 Episode 6 -  "One of Those Days" | Available to Stream on HULU & Amazon Prime

FEATURED DURING: Out of Practice Podcast | Season 3 Episode 6 | Available anywhere you listen to podcasts.

Listen to the Out of Practice Podcast

Keith and Mike are tired, sick, cranky and late, but that won’t stop the wheels of justice from turning! It’s time for Ellenor and Eugene to finally try George’s murder case! Will they lose their heads, or have it in the bag??

Episode Begins Around:  0:20:10

OOPPSY Awards begin around:  1:27:20

Camryn Manheim wins Best Actor for The Practice S3 E6

Michael Monks and Austin Tichenor win Best Guest Actor for The Practice S3 E6

Ellenor Frutt (Camryn Manheim) wins MVL for The Practice S3 E6

Tom Brady wins the Tom Brady Award for Being Tom Brady for The Practice S3 E6  

Notable Guest Star: James Pickens Jr

Notable Guest Star: Michael Monks

Notable Guest Star: Kellie Waymire
